Saturday, 30 November 2013

The Ultimate Liminal spaces in the brain...

Some of the thoughts around creating a symbolic representational sculpture of a brain synapse led me to explore in much further detail, the real research currently available.

Complete neuron cell diagram en
Image by by LadyofHats [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The components of the brain I hadn't quite got correct, as I would need to firstly represent not just the neurone cells of the Synapse, but possibly more importantly, the Axion.

Image from

This is the vital channel that links the cells together, and which (when they carry an excited electrical signal) provide the energisation of the synapse itself. (The Axion, is in effect, the synaptic nerve that makes links with each neurone).   So my mental image of representing the synaptic gap needed to be slightly adjusted.

Image from

The prototype sculpture I have started to form from a simple papier mache form, requires some adaptation.

 Currently, the representation of the synapse surface seems comparatively large and only illustrates the area of the synaptic gap itself.  I think it would be useful to make a more stretched Axion, maybe even putting a few Axions and neurone together to form a more life like representation?  A sketch shows the thoughts I have been developing.

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