Friday, 28 February 2014

Drawing Transformations, Part IV - Marking, Thinking & Transforming - Portrature

Today being a self study day (Fridays), I decided to devote it to the drawing transformations project.  Having considered a subject of portraiture for drawing & sketching, ...what better subject could I have but myself! (Big mistake perhaps? Well, it has been very difficult)...

I never realized what a significant challenge this would be!...  I have done perhaps 3 or 4 self portraits over the past 5 years perhaps, but I have never really been satisfied with the results.  Today, I decided to consider the "Imagining & Thinking" part of the project but instead of just imagining and thinking about a subject per se, I decided to investigate how the brain actually deals with the whole process of Image and Processing, = Imagining & Thinking...

My university course assistant tutor, Jo B. suggested some time ago, for me to read a book cited here;
Edwards, Betty (2013). Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain : A Course in Enhancing Creativity and Artistic Confidence. Retrieved from
We are lucky enough to be able to get access to this book electronically, through the University Library, so I pored my self (figuratively speaking) into the book...  I will come up for air at regular intervals over this following weekend, but it remains my intention to read as much of it as I can!

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