My initial dissection of the words of the poem produced the "usual" suspects, the resultant mind images of various depictions of words or phrases used. The concept of trying to capture these as small thumbnail sketches definitely works for me and the output of my muses has, as perhaps expected, been too literal. However, this cathartic process of getting out the obvious images is good, as it leads me to think of new alternative directions and areas of investigation that may be less facile.
So the initial images are shown here for completeness, and I can annotate some of the thoughts accordingly.
The obvious lines of text that suggest isolation, an image of a "God", enlightenment, wretched and the scream are all there!
But also, the playful ones too... Like the Unconquerable Sole!
An image of the Captain of my Sole, Master of my Fate, "Victory V sign" and a rather nice shadow type simple line / white ghost of an old man too came to mind.
I liked the idea of the lower centre thumbnail idea, - creating a negative style drawing by simply using a shaded pencil area and then making suitable erased marks to hint the suggestion of a disappearing sole, almost lost in the fog? I will play with this idea a little more perhaps?

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