Saturday, 15 February 2014

Deconstructing the Grand Master Part X... Just a quick walk down Tangent Boulevard.....

One of the key things that keeps me motivated is to have a laugh, especially if it it just innocent fun.  I try hard not to upset anyone, but if I ever do, then I humbly apologise in every case.  To hurt, irritate or annoy someone with my (sometimes a little asinine) humour, is never my intention.

So, I feel better after making that "Safe Haven" statement above, which gives me a little artistic licence to try to de-construct that great luminary of contemporary philosophy, and the master of Deconstruction himself, the one and only Jaques Derrida.

And here it is....

Jaques Derrida
Graham Depainter

Did it make you laugh?... I hope so...

 But I actually think this is valid as a deconstruction, both in terms of text, and to some degree, the great Monsieur D. himself.  I got the impression he liked some humour.  It both satisfies some "differance" and "Undecidables" and binary oppositions with some common ground...  (All replies will be read!)... 

If not, try this...  A deconstruction by text, of a Great Master, a Royal Artist of the court to the King Phillip IV of Spain, one Diego Rodriguez de Silva Velazquez, (1599 to 1660), One of the greatest masters of the Golden Age of Spain and the Renaissance... 

Diego Velazquez circa 1635 - St Anthony the Abbot together with St Paul the Hermit
(Caption;)   "Ere Tony, ...I could murder a big mac......   Oo er"

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