Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Deconstructing the Grand Master, Benjamin Williams Leader - Part XI - The Movie!

So, after lots of deep analysis, belly button gazing, twiddling of thumbs whilst looking at a blank screen, here if my first attempt at rendering a video montage of the work I have been doing over the past 6 weeks.  This is very much a synopsis at this stage, which lasts about 4 minutes 15 seconds... I think that is a little too long to keep people engaged positively, so I shall try to reduce some of the screen shots to get it to say 3 to 3.5 minutes overall.

So, here it is!

I still think that I can make a number of changes to this, - definitely a work in progress.  In reflection to some of the advice received from Dr I.M. yesterday, I am also keen to research some of the semiotics / meanings buried within the images of Leader's paintings; not only of the works "Autumn in Switzerland", but also many of his other works too.  The references to the sublime, the great out doors and nature, clean living and so on have been picked out, (and a little parodied by me in parts), however there is a greater force at work (ha ha), in most of the works of this era.  especially the Pre-Raphaelites influence on Leader at this time too, must have had an effect on his chosen subjects.

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